Friday, March 16, 2007

Case Study Final Version: Building Community in My Neighborhood


In our Church in Mission class, we learned that the kingdom of God is a new way of living that reflects Jesus’ words and actions. When Jesus walked the earth, his counter-cultural approach included a revolutionary view of structures at every level of society. Rather than coming in as a triumphant king to replace the oppressive rulers of the day as the Israelites had anticipated, Jesus surprised everyone by exemplifying that the least is greatest. He valued women in a highly patriarchal society. He reached out to lepers that were often cast out from their communities. He led by serving, even going so far as to wash the feet of the disciples. His parables further illustrated the radically different approach to life that he was advocating. Rather than the endings that his audience was expecting, he would shift the stories to explain truths in a counter-cultural way. In his work The Great Giveaway, David Fitch says that in order to reflect the truth that Jesus is Lord in today’s society, “we live and worship so that its reality, once displayed, cannot be denied, only rejected or entered into. We will persuade through living displays of truth, not rational one-on-one arguments (Fitch 2005, 56).” Living out God’s truth in the greater Los Angeles area has become more and more of a challenge. This paper will explore what the kingdom of God would look like in my neighborhood with an emphasis on relationships, reconciliation, and being a contrast-society.


My case study is an exploration of how to build community within the context of my neighborhood, specifically along Los Robles Avenue between the 210 Freeway and Orange Grove Boulevard. The neighborhood is very ethnically diverse and there are a number of homeless people who come through the area. Since moving here in September, I’ve witnessed multiple arrests, awoken to the fights and yelling matches of neighbors, and heard rumors of drug houses. Last week, the search helicopters, a fairly regular presence on our street, hovered outside my building, yelling to a man: “You’re not in trouble, but we need you to put both hands in the air.” These instances demonstrate the fearfulness that many feel and help explain the tendency most have to be on their guard rather than seeking out conversations and new friendships.

Local policemen have warned the women in my building not to walk down Los Robles at night alone or only with other women, because it’s not safe. Even the daytime is not without unpleasantness. While recently walking to my Church in Mission class, a young man on a motorcycle pulled into the 99 Cent Store parking lot beside me and asked for directions. After I tried unsuccessfully to help him locate a nearby street, he proceeded to offer me a hundred dollars to flash him. Although this is not a typical encounter, it does highlight the tension I feel between wanting to reach out to the neighborhood and also wanting to avoid dangerous or creepy situations.

According to Officer Rickey Pickens from the Pasadena Police Gang Outreach task force, the Bloods and the Crips are active gangs in our area. The police have credited these gangs with two recent murders that occurred on Fair Oaks, which is only a few minutes’ drive from where we live. Gang members wear long belts, displaying the colors of their gangs, or baseball hats for certain teams to communicate clearly where their loyalties lie (Guy Higashi, pers. communication)..

In contrast to the unity and reconciliation that are part of kingdom living, there is much dissention among the people living in my neighborhood. Although many races are represented on my street, there is not much interaction between them beyond an occasional greeting. Gang warfare may contribute to this separation between the races, with fear keeping many from interacting with ethnic groups outside their own. Language barriers also prohibit conversations between many neighbors. There is a large Spanish-speaking population along our street, but most of the non-Hispanic people do not speak Spanish, limiting conversations to simple greetings. Differing socioeconomic levels also create distances between people groups by affecting how people dress, talk, and interact. People look at the sidewalk or right through you as you pass them on the street.

The cost of living in the Pasadena area makes adequate housing impossible for many of my neighbors. Next door to one another you’ll find large families crammed into small apartments and relatively wealthy suburbanites enjoying spacious apartments with only one or two residents. In addition, Los Robles is a very busy street, which makes it very difficult to get to know those across the street. The noisiness along the street is another factor hindering casual conversations between people as they walk past each other. The frequent wails of police sirens and car alarms sounding do not create an environment conducive to friendly encounters. Most of the buildings also have gates around them preventing the type of casual interactions that are found more commonly in suburban areas. While families living in suburban neighborhoods bond as their children play together on the sidewalks, most of the kids on our street play behind the gated entryways to keep them safe.

However, the kingdom of God is still present even in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations. This kingdom, according to the book Churches That Make a Difference, is characterized by “renewed right relationships with God and neighbor, especially poor persons (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 47).” Within the area of relationships, there are many kingdom-like characteristics that I’ve witnessed, particularly in the Hispanic community on our street.

Hospitality, according to Fitch, is “so exceedingly rare today that just doing it at all speaks volumes about what is means to be a Christian in a world of strangers (Fitch 2005, 60).” However, this aspect of the kingdom of God is already a major emphasis for Hispanic families living along my street and regular celebrations with vibrant music, an impressive spread of food, and a large gathering of family members are the norm. The quinceañera celebration is an example of the importance of hospitality within the Hispanic culture. When a young girl turns fifteen, her family throws her a huge party and all of her extended family and friends gather. When our next door neighbor celebrated her quinceañera recently, there were balloons all over their backyard, loud and festive music playing from speakers, several tables filled with relatives, and the air was filled with the sounds of lively interactions and laughter.

Unity is showcased in the strong sense of family and the importance of those relationships. The love and joy shown between family members is a powerful example of how God’s kingdom is evidenced in our neighborhood. Even when families are living in crowded conditions, they always open up their homes to relatives. Our next-door neighbor has a trailer on his property where relatives are living. Last year, this same neighbor housed a relative in the closet of his garage. The mentality is that your home is never too crowded to welcome a family member, no matter the sacrifice or cost to you.

Construction projects on homes also reflect the strong familial ties within this community. Everyone pitches in to help one another with their time and skills. Such work can also become just as much of a social event, as it gives family members an opportunity to converse and catch up on the happenings of the week.

Kingdom of God

Although the kingdom of God is already visible on my street through the hospitality and unity witnessed in families, there are still areas needing growth. While families exhibit these kingdom-like qualities to one another, there is a lack of kingdom living in the interactions between neighbors, particularly those of different races or social strata. By focusing on building relationships, striving to be a contrast-society, and working towards lasting reconciliation, we can begin to reflect the kingdom of God on a broader level.


In his book Transforming Power: Biblical Strategies for Making a Difference in Your Community, Robert Linthicum explains how relationships are tied to the kingdom of God:

“In order to work toward the realization of the kingdom of God, Jesus needed to

build a permanent organization. It would be the strength and integrity of that

organization (first, a disciple band, then a church) that would perpetuate the effort

to realize God’s kingdom after Jesus had returned to the Father. And no such

permanent organization could be built and sustained unless it was built on firm

relationships (Linthicum 2003, 132).”

Jesus established those relationships through the following ways: committing time to others, listening and affirming them, challenging them to action, and encouraging them to think through their circumstances, keeping their relationship with Jesus in mind (Linthicum 2003, 132). To begin developing relationships in the neighborhood, we have the difficult task of entering into strong social networks as an outsider. The most obvious hurdle to overcome is a lack of trust. By following Jesus’ example of sacrificing our time and truly listening to those we meet, we will start to establish a foundation for relationship.

Veli-Matti Karkainnen, in his Introduction to Ecclesiology: Ecumenical, Historical, and Global Perspectives, cites Martin Luther’s view on the importance of engaging in relationships to reflect Christ: “For if I do not use everything that I have to serve my neighbor, I rob him of what I owe him according to God’s will. A Christian, then, becomes ‘a work of Christ,’ and even more a ‘Christ’ to the neighbor; the Christian does what Christ does. The Christian identifies w/ the suffering of his/her neighbor (Karkkainen 2002, 47).” In other words, by connecting and relating with the people of Los Robles, I can emulate Christ’s example of kingdom living.

Becoming a Contrast Society

Another key component of living out the kingdom of God within our neighborhood is found in the concept of a being a contrast-society. In Jesus and Community, Gerhard Lohfink uses the nation of Israel as a means of explaining the term contrast-society. He states that “Israel is to be a holy people with a social order which distinguishes it from other nations (Lohfink 1982, 123).” Jesus chooses them to be an example to the rest of society. He goes on to say that the “church as a whole should be an alternate type of society” by standing out from society and its structures (Lohfink 1982, 125).”

There are some ministries that are demonstrating what it means to be a counter-society by reaching out to the marginalized people living in Pasadena. For example, Lake Avenue Church has a substantial outreach program that provides food for the homeless and mentoring for at-risk children. Harambee Ministries states their mission as providing a “safe place where children and youth can learn and develop into indigenous leaders for Northwest Pasadena and beyond.” The story of Harambee Ministries is an inspirational one when looking at transformational ministry in a neighborhood. In 20 years, they’ve radically impacted a neighborhood once called “blood corner” with high crime rates by focusing on three key areas: relocation, reconciliation and redistribution (Harambee Ministries, 2007).” Relocation refers to living among the people you’re ministering to, reconciliation would be restored relationships, and redistribution refers to a more balanced division of resources.

Within the context of my neighborhood, to be a counter-society would mean to distinguish ourselves from other streets by showing love to our neighbors. We would need to look at the four different levels of outreach outlined in Churches That Make a Difference: relief, individual development, community development, and structural change (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 86). This would involve meeting not only physical needs, but emotional and spiritual needs, and looking at the ways to change the environment and structures that are causing these problems.


A third area reflecting kingdom-living is that of reconciliation. Lohfink states: “The world can be changed only when the people of God itself changes. It is not possible to liberate others unless freedom radiates within one’s own group. It is not possible to preach social repentance to others unless one lives in a community which takes seriously the new society of the reign of God (Lohfink 1982, 138).” Or, as Ghandi put it, we must “be the change we want to see in the world (ThinkExist 2007).” Jesus gave us an excellent model of how to be a peacemaker and how to bring about reconciliation. In Galatians 3:28, we see his approach reflected in the statement: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” He shattered the barriers that had been created between social classes, genders, people groups, and more.

In our class lecture on Trinitarian Views of Mission, we were reminded that the church is sent “to follow the work of the Holy Spirit in the world” and participate in inclusion, diversity, unity, peacemaking, and reconciliation. By working towards each of these goals, we are exhibiting attributes of the kingdom and also encouraging them in others (Bolger 2007).



In the area of relationship-building, we could start with small steps to increase our visibility in the neighborhood. For example, the sidewalks are very busy in the middle of the afternoon, and we could plan to be out walking during those times so as people get used to seeing us we can start talking more with them. There is also a small grassy area in front of our apartment complex that we could utilize more often to keep the gated entrance from preventing conversations.

Because family relationships are such an important emphasis with our neighbors, we could also try to build relationships with them by hosting events for their children. One idea would be to organize a summer Bible school for neighborhood kids, so that the parents would get a little break and we would have a chance to get to know the families who came. We could also host a neighborhood block party to encourage more interaction between not just us and our neighbors but also our neighbors with one another.

We would also need to plan outreach events on a more regular basis. Currently, our apartment complex plans outreach events once a quarter, which is insufficient as a means of building relationships. Because seminary students have many demands on their time, the most effective means of keeping up this type of ministry would be to have a core group committed to more consistent forms of outreach and a secondary group of volunteers who would come as they were able.

The relationships needed to form the basis for transformation in our neighborhood will not form overnight. The ministries that are successful in this arena are those that are committed to long-term involvement with a community. With Fuller being a more transient community, a ministry to Los Robles would necessitate partnerships with local churches and organizations that are already doing this type of work. This would ensure a continuity of service rather than a short-lived attempt.

Becoming a Contrast Society

To work towards being a contrast-society, we can continue forms of outreach that show God’s love in tangible ways. Our apartment complex recently participated in Fuller’s Day of Mercy and spent the morning picking up trash along several blocks of Los Robles. This act of service kindled in us a desire to do more to impact the neighborhood. We found several bags of bottles that people had hidden behind bushes to possibly pick up a later time. It was sobering to think of empty bottles as someone’s treasure worth hiding. We also brought along bags of socks and other small necessities to give out to poor people we encountered. It was interesting to observe the reactions of people along the street as we passed them. Some thanked us, others brought their trash up to us, and others avoided eye contact and continued on their way. But regardless of their reactions, they were aware of what we were doing.

Last quarter, we did a Swap Day, where everyone brought out items to the front of the building to give away to our neighbors. This form of outreach has already produced friendships with neighbors on our street. Homeless people who hang out in our neighborhood have told our community coordinator that they’ve let others know that they should leave our buildings alone and have also warned people in my building to turn and walk the other way when there was a dangerous situation up ahead.

The Day of Mercy and the Swap Day are both examples of “a multilayered approach to social outreach (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 88).” According to authors Ronald Sider, Philip Olson, and Heidi Rolland Unruh this approach requires one to “Concentrate on one area of ministry well and yet address the multifaceted needs of the whole person through: collaboration, keeping in mind that holistic ministry is an ongoing, evolving process, and a strong relationship component helps your ministry adapt to the complexity of people’s lives (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 88).”


The third area of focus would be reconciliation. David Fitch, in writing about evangelism to postmoderns, explores concepts that are more far-reaching. He explains that postmoderns respect “a truth that can be seen and experienced in life” and that postmoderns “challenge us to live the truth we tell as a body of believers (Fitch 2005, 49).” These same ideas translate well for working towards reconciliation within our neighborhood. We have to live out the truth in our daily lives. It is easy to say that we are not racist or that we’ve moved past many of our prejudices, but do our lives reflect this? If we want this message to be conveyed, we have to demonstrate it in our actions. As we exhibit an equal valuing of all people and humble ourselves to combat the privilege that society has given to white culture, we are also living out the truths of God’s love and witnessing to His reconciliatory power.

In order to work towards reconciliation, we could also be very intentional about shopping at the local grocery store, going to the public laundromat, and walking to class as a way of demonstrating that we don’t think we’re above our neighbors. It is easy to see the disconnection that occurs when I drive my car everywhere while my neighbors bike or walk. Another point of disconnection is when I drive to the other side of town to shop at a more expensive grocery store and the rest of my neighbors shop at the local store with more crowded aisles and less selection.

These choices are not always easy to make. I find that in shopping at the local grocery store I often elicit stares as one of the only white people shopping there. Being a single woman presents unique challenges in this type of situation as there are often times when I’ve been ogled or subjected to unpleasant remarks. However, I have also had many positive interactions from shopping at the local stores. I find that God gives me more opportunities to give. A woman approached me recently after I had just finished loading my groceries into the back of my car and asked for food. It was such a blessing to be able to share a little bit with her. I am learning that while I might escape some of the hassles I encounter by shopping at a nicer grocery store, I will also miss out on being able to reach out to those in need.


The kingdom of God is already evidenced in some respects by the relationships and sense of community among by neighbors, but there is still a long ways to go, particularly in the area of reconciliation. In order to move towards our goal of being a contrast-society, we must be deliberate in making ourselves active members of the community, rather than distancing ourselves in our choices of transportation, stores where we shop, and more. Jesus gave us a wonderful example of acting against cultural systems and norms when they are not furthering God’s kingdom. By first taking the time to see where these norms need to be upturned and then actively seeking to change them, we can hope to have a lasting impact on the streets where we live.

David Fitch beautifully captures the distinctiveness with which we should be living as Christians: “As a living vibrant people, Christians do not sell, they just live; they do not peddle, but do speak sincerely; they do not debate, they witness to his presence in worship and invite people into this great victory over sin and death we have in Christ’s death and resurrection (Fitch 2005, 70).” My hope for the residents of Los Robles Avenue is a movement towards kingdom-living, one that is reflected in our relationships with one another, our uniqueness in the world as a contrast-society, and a reconciliation that cannot be explained except but by the intervention and work of the Holy Spirit in and through us.


Bolger, Ryan. 2007. “Kingdom Perspectives on Mission.” MC500, lecture notes.

Pasadena, CA: Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies.

Fitch, David. 2005. The Great Giveaway. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBooks.

Guy Higashi, personal communication, February 24, 2007.

Harambee Ministries. 2007. (Accessed March 4, 2007).

Karkainnen, Veli-Matti. 2002. Introduction to Ecclesiology: Ecumenical, Historical, and

Global Perspectives. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press.

Linthicum, Robert. 2003. Transforming Power. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity


Lohfink, Gerhard. 1984. Jesus and Community: The Social Dimension of Christian Faith.

Trans. by John P. Galvin. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Publishers.

Olson, Philip, Unruh, Heidi Rolland, and Sider, Ronald J. 2002. Churches That Make a

Difference. Grand Rapids, MI: BakerBooks.

ThinkExist. 2007. (Accessed March 16, 2007).

Wednesday Reflection for Week 10

I am really excited about the way this class has challenged me to look at how the kingdom of God would be exhibited in my community. I think my Fuller experience has been made richer as a result. Rather than walking down my street with my thoughts on other things, I am now much more cognizant of what's going on and how God is at work in our midst. I appreciate the opportunity to wrestle with these issues and for the practical applications of what we learned in class.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Monday Reflection for Week 10

Many times this quarter I have left our class wishing I could be a part of a church that was exhibiting the kingdom of God in ways similar to the churches we've been learning about. I love the idea of different small groups taking turns to plan the worship service, whether it's once a month or more often. After Monday's class, I realized that part of my responsibility as a Fuller student is to take what God is teaching me back to the church that I'm attending. It's up to each of us to share what God has been showing us through this class and hopefully cast a vision for what God wants to do in the church as a whole.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Case Study: Building Community in my Neighborhood Part 3


In our Church in Mission class, we learned that the kingdom of God is a new way of living that reflects Jesus’ words and actions. His counter-cultural approach included a revolutionary view of structures at every level of society. Rather than coming in as a triumphant king to replace the oppressive rulers of the day, Jesus showed by example that the least is greatest. He valued women in a highly patriarchal society. He reached out to the marginalized that were often cast out from their communities. This paper will explore what the kingdom of God would look like in my neighborhood with an emphasis on relationships, reconciliation, and being a contrast-society, and what steps might be taken to move in this direction.


My case study is an exploration of how to build community within the context of my neighborhood, specifically along Los Robles Avenue. The neighborhood is very ethnically diverse and there are a number of homeless people living in the area. Since moving here in September, I’ve witnessed multiple arrests, heard search helicopters on more nights than not, awoken to the fights and yelling matches of neighbors, and heard rumors of drug houses. Local policemen have warned the women in my building not to walk down Los Robles at night alone or only with women, because it’s not safe. According to Officer Rickey Pickens from the Pasadena Police Gang Outreach task force, the Bloods and the Crips are active gangs in our area and were recently responsible for murders on a nearby street.

In contrast to the unity and reconciliation that are part of kingdom living, there is much dissention among the people living in my neighborhood. Although many races are represented on my street, there is not much interaction between them beyond an occasional greeting. Gang warfare may contribute to this separation between the races, with fear keeping many from interacting with ethnic groups outside their own. Language barriers also prohibit conversations between many neighbors. There is a large Spanish-speaking population along our street, but most of the non-Hispanic people do not speak Spanish. Differing socioeconomic levels also create distances between people groups by affecting how people dress, talk, and interact.

The cost of living in the Pasadena area makes adequate housing impossible for many of my neighbors. Next door to one another you’ll find large families crammed into small apartments and relatively wealthy suburbanites enjoying spacious apartments with 1-2 residents. In addition, Los Robles is a very busy street, which makes it very difficult to get to know those across the street. The noisiness along the street is another factor hindering casual conversations between people as they walk past each other. Most of the buildings also have gates around them preventing the type of casual interactions that are found more commonly in suburban areas.

However, the kingdom of God is still present even in the midst of seemingly hopeless situations. This kingdom, according to the book Churches That Make a Difference, is characterized by “renewed right relationships with God and neighbor, especially poor persons (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 47).” Within the area of relationships, there are many kingdom-like characteristics that I’ve witnessed particularly in the Hispanic community on our street. Hospitality is a major emphasis and regular celebrations with vibrant music, an impressive spread of food, and a large gathering of family members are the norm. The quinceañera celebration is an example of this emphasis on hospitality. When a girl turns fifteen, her family throws her a huge party and the all of her extended family and friends gather. When our next door neighbor celebrated her quinceanera recently, there were balloons all over their backyard, loud, festive music playing from the speakers, and several tables filled with relatives.

Unity is showcased in the strong sense of family and the importance of those relationships. The love and joy shown between family members is a powerful example of how God’s kingdom is evidenced in our neighborhood. Even when families are living in crowded conditions, they always open up their homes to relatives. Another neighbor has a trailer on his lot where relatives are living and at one time housed another relative in the closet of his garage.

Construction projects on homes also reflect the strong familial ties within this community. Everyone pitches in to help one another with their time and skills. Such work can also become just as much of a social event, as it gives family members an opportunity to converse and catch up on the happenings of the week.

There is very little evidence of reconciliation beyond polite smiles and soft greetings between people of different races and nationalities. Within our building, Korean families and American families have formed friendships that I think are an example to others around us, but there is still much growth needed in this area.

Kingdom of God

In order to begin developing relationships in the neighborhood, we have the difficult task of entering into strong social networks as an outsider. The most obvious hurdle to overcome is a lack of trust. In order to establish a sense of trust, we would first need to plan consistent times of interaction.

We would also need to plan outreach events on a more regular basis. Currently, our apartment complex plans outreach events once a quarter, which is insufficient as a means of building relationships. Because seminary students have many demands on their time, the most effective means of keeping up this type of ministry would be to have a core group committed to more consistent forms of outreach and a secondary group of volunteers who would come as they were able.

The relationships needed to form the basis for transformation in our neighborhood will not form overnight. The ministries that are successful in this arena are those that are committed to long-term involvement with a community. With Fuller being a more transient community, a ministry to Los Robles would necessitate partnerships with local churches and organizations that are already doing this type of work. This would ensure a continuity of service rather than a short-lived attempt.

Another key component of transformational ministry within our neighborhood is found in the concept of a contrast-society. In his work Jesus and Community, Gerhard Lohfink uses the nation of Israel as a means of explaining the term contrast-society. He states that “Israel is to be a holy people with a social order which distinguishes it from other nations (Lohfink 1982, 123).” He goes on to say that the “church as a whole should be an alternate type of society” by standing out from society and its structures (Lohfink 1982, 125).”

There are some ministries that are demonstrating what it means to be a counter-society by reaching out to the marginalized people living in Pasadena. For example, Lake Avenue Church has a substantial outreach program that provides food for the homeless and mentoring for at-risk children. Harambee Ministries states their mission as providing a “safe place where children and youth can learn and develop into indigenous leaders for Northwest Pasadena and beyond.” The story of Harambee Ministries is an inspirational one when looking at transformational ministry in a neighborhood. In 20 years, they’ve radically impacted a neighborhood once called “blood corner” with high crime rates by focusing on three key areas: “relocation, reconciliation and redistribution.” Relocation refers to living among the people you’re ministering to, reconciliation would be restored relationships, and redistribution refers to a more balanced division of resources.

Within the context of my neighborhood, to be a counter-society would mean to distinguish ourselves from other streets by showing love to our neighbors. We would need to look at the four different levels of outreach outlined in Churches That Make a Difference: relief, individual development, community development, and structural change (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 86). This would involve meeting not only physical needs, but emotional and spiritual needs, and looking at the ways to change the environment and structures that are causing these problems.

The third area of focus would be reconciliation. David Fitch, in writing about evangelism to postmoderns, explores concepts that are more far-reaching. He explains that postmoderns respect “a truth that can be seen and experienced in life” and that postmoderns “challenge us to live the truth we tell as a body of believers (Fitch 2005, 49).” These same ideas translate well for working towards reconciliation within our neighborhood. We have to live out the truth in our daily lives. It is easy to say that we are not racist or that we’ve moved past many of our prejudices, but do our lives reflect this? If we want this message to be conveyed, we have to demonstrate it in our actions. As we exhibit an equal valuing of all people and humble ourselves to combat the privilege that society has given to white culture, we are also living out the truths of God’s love and witnessing to His reconciliatory power.


In the area of relationship-building, we could start with small steps to increase our visibility in the neighborhood. For example, the sidewalks are very busy in the middle of the afternoon, and we could plan to be out walking during those times so as people get used to seeing us we can start talking more with them. There is also a small grassy area in front of our apartment complex that we could utilize more often to keep the gated entrance from preventing conversations.

Because family relationships are such an important emphasis with our neighbors, we could also try to build relationships with them by hosting events for their children. One idea would be to organize a summer Bible school for neighborhood kids, so that the parents would get a little break and we would have a chance to get to know the families who came. We could also host a neighborhood block party to encourage more interaction between not just us and our neighbors but also our neighbors with one another.

To work towards being a contrast-society, we can continue forms of outreach that show God’s love in tangible ways. Our apartment complex recently participated in Fuller’s Day of Mercy and spent the morning picking up trash along several blocks of Los Robles. This act of service kindled in us a desire to do more to impact the neighborhood. We found several bags of bottles that people had hidden behind bushes to possibly pick up a later time. It was sobering to think of empty bottles as someone’s treasure worth hiding. We also brought along bags of socks and other small necessities to give out to poor people we encountered. It was interesting to observe the reactions of people along the street as we passed them. Some thanked us, others brought their trash up to us, and others avoided eye contact and continued on their way. But regardless of their reactions, they were aware of what we were doing.

Last quarter, we did a Swap Day, where everyone brought out items to the front of the building to give away to our neighbors. This form of outreach has already produced friendships with neighbors on our street. Homeless people who hang out in our neighborhood have told our community coordinator that they’ve let others know that they should leave our buildings alone and have also warned people in my building to turn and walk the other way when there was a dangerous situation up ahead.

The Day of Mercy and the Swap Day are both examples of “a multilayered approach to social outreach (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 88).” According to authors Ronald Sider, Philip Olson, and Heidi Rolland Unruh this approach requires one to “Concentrate on one area of ministry well and yet address the multifaceted needs of the whole person through: collaboration, keeping in mind that holistic ministry is an ongoing, evolving process, and a strong relationship component helps your ministry adapt to the complexity of people’s lives (Sider, Olson, Unruh 2002, 88).”

In order to work towards reconciliation, we could also be very intentional about shopping at the local grocery store, going to the public laundromat, and walking to class as a way of demonstrating that we don’t think we’re above our neighbors. It is easy to see the disconnection that occurs when I drive my car everywhere while my neighbors bike or walk. Another point of disconnection is when I drive to the other side of town to shop at a more expensive grocery store and the rest of my neighbors shop at the local store with more crowded aisles and less selection. These choices are not always easy to make. I find that in shopping at the local grocery store I often elicit stares as one of the only white people shopping there. Being a single woman presents unique challenges in this type of situation as there are often times when I’ve been ogled or subjected to unpleasant remarks. However, I have also had many positive interactions from shopping at the local stores. I find that God gives me more opportunities to give. A woman approached me recently after I had just finished loading my groceries into the back of my car and asked for food. It was such a blessing to be able to share a little bit with her. I am learning that while I might escape some of the hassles I encounter by shopping at a nicer grocery store, I will also miss out on being able to reach out to those in need.


The kingdom of God is already evidenced in some respects by the relationships and sense of community among by neighbors, but there is still a long ways to go, particularly in the area of reconciliation. In order to move towards our goal of being a contrast-society, we must be deliberate in making ourselves active members of the community, rather than distancing ourselves in our choices of transportation, stores where we shop, and more. Jesus gave us a wonderful example of acting against cultural systems and norms when they are not furthering God’s kingdom. By first taking the time to see where these norms need to be upturned and then actively seeking to change them, we can hope to have a lasting impact on the streets where we live.

Wednesday Reflection for Week 9

This process of writing this paper has continued to stretch me. It is easy for me to think in hypothetical terms, but it becomes much more of a challenge to reflect honestly on what I could actually do to help work towards transforming my neighborhood. It is so much simpler to sit back and accept the way things are and to assume that the responsibility for change rests on the shoulder of someone more capable than me. In doing so, I miss out on the refining process God might have had in store for me. By choosing the well-traveled route, the path of least resistance, I am doing myself a disservice and am giving my ideas precedence over God's.

Monday Reflection for Week 9

It was fascinating to me to hear more about McGavern's work in India and his ministry there. I had not heard before of the distinguishing between the idea of "high culture," where the Western culture was seen as the one culture all others are striving towards, to the idea of many cultures each being valuable in their own right. In my Culture and Transformation class, we have been discussing how cultures are not neutral. They can be capable of evil, but are also able to be redeemed. It was helpful to think more critically of my own culture and continue to see all that we can learn from other cultures.